
How To Organize Your Home Before A Cleaning Service Arrives


How To Organize Your Home Before A Cleaning Service Arrives

a person is sitting with cleaning materials for cleaning service in dubai

When you decide to hire a cleaning service in Dubai, you’re taking a proactive step towards maintaining a clean and organized home without the hassle of doing it yourself. However, to ensure that your cleaning service can work efficiently and effectively, it’s essential to prepare your home properly before their arrival. In this guide, we’ll explore the steps you should take to organize your home before your cleaning service arrives, what to expect from them, and how to ensure a smooth and satisfactory experience.

Things to Do Before House Cleaners Arrive

Before your cleaning service in Dubai arrives, there are several tasks you can undertake to streamline their process and maximize their effectiveness. Here’s a checklist to help you prepare:


Take some time to tidy up and declutter surfaces, such as countertops, tables, and floors. Clearing away excess items will allow the cleaning service to focus on cleaning rather than organizing.

Secure Valuables

Put away any valuable or fragile items you don’t want to risk damaging during the cleaning process. This includes jewelry, electronics, and sentimental objects.

organizing home before cleaning service in dubai arrives

Communicate Special Instructions

If there are specific areas of your home that require special attention or any cleaning products you prefer or want to avoid, make sure to communicate these instructions to the cleaning service beforehand.

Clear Access

Ensure that the cleaning service has easy access to all areas of your home that need cleaning. Move furniture and belongings out of the way to allow them to clean efficiently.


If you have pets, consider confining them to a specific area of the house or taking them out for a walk during the cleaning service’s visit. This will prevent them from getting underfoot and potentially causing disruptions.

What Not to Expect from Your Cleaning Service

While professional cleaning services in Dubai offer a range of cleaning solutions, certain tasks may not be included in their standard service. It’s essential to manage your expectations to avoid disappointment. Here are a few things you shouldn’t expect from your cleaning service:

Personal Errands: Cleaning services are there to clean your home, not run personal errands or perform tasks unrelated to cleaning.

Heavy Lifting: While cleaners may move lightweight items to clean underneath, they typically won’t engage in heavy lifting or moving large furniture pieces.

Outdoor Cleaning: Unless specifically agreed upon, cleaning services usually focus on indoor cleaning tasks and may not include outdoor areas like patios, balconies, or garages.

Specialized Services: Deep cleaning tasks such as carpet shampooing, upholstery cleaning, or exterior window washing may require additional fees or specialized services beyond the scope of regular cleaning visits.

Services to Expect from Your Cleaning Company

While the specifics of what each cleaning company offers may vary, here are some standard services you can expect from a reputable cleaning service in Dubai:

  • Dusting: Thorough dusting of surfaces including furniture, shelves, and baseboards to remove accumulated dust and debris.
  • Vacuuming and Mopping: Vacuuming carpets and rugs, as well as mopping hard floors to remove dirt, dust, and stains.
  • Kitchen Cleaning: Cleaning and sanitizing countertops, sinks, appliances, and cabinet exteriors to ensure a hygienic kitchen environment.
  • Bathroom Cleaning: Scrubbing and disinfecting toilets, sinks, showers, bathtubs, and tiles to remove soap scum, mold, and mildew.
  • Surface Wiping: Wiping down surfaces such as mirrors, glass doors, and light fixtures to remove fingerprints, smudges, and streaks.

Hire a Professional Cleaning Service Today

When it comes to maintaining a clean and organized home, hiring a reputable cleaning service in Dubai can make all the difference. By following the tips outlined in this guide and knowing what to expect from your cleaning company, you can ensure a smooth and satisfactory experience every time.

For those seeking a blend of eco-friendly practices and European-style cleaning expertise, look no further than Coco Prime Cleaning Services in Dubai. Specializing in environmentally conscious cleaning solutions, Coco Prime brings a touch of European finesse to every home they service.

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